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Generous donation received by Nova

Generous donation received by Nova

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

A big Thank You to Jack and The Swindon Flames.

Mr Wells was presented with a donation from The Swindon Flames Roller Hockey Club recently by their former member Jack (Year 7, Cygnus 4) who was an avid member of their team.

The donation was made due to the unfortunate closure of the Roller Hockey Club due to the fall in their membership. Jack, who was the Swindon Flames goalkeeper, was upset at the closure, he hopes that the the donation to the school will help fund further sporting equipment which he will benefit from and he hopes to join an inline skating club soon.

Mr Wells said: “We are extremely grateful to the Swindon Flames for this generous donation, which will be used towards the purchase of new sports equipment to benefit all students at Nova Hreod Academy.”

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