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Inter-school Chess Competition

Inter-school Chess Competition

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

A team of 15 Nova students headed to Kingsdown School for a keenly anticipated chess match. Our last fixture had ended in a narrow win for Nova (albeit from a match of fewer students) so we had everything to play for.

Each player had four 15-minute games, one each against separate opponents.  After a tense match, in which the lead changed hands several times, Nova ultimately proved victorious, exchanging, trapping, forking, skewering and check-mating their way to a 33-24 victory.

Particular congratulations go to Oriol (Pegasus 4), Logan (Pegasus 6), Miles (Orion 4) and (team captain) Samuel (Cygnus 1), who each managed to win all four of their individual games.

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