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Nova celebrates the Coronation of King Charles III

Nova celebrates the Coronation of King Charles III

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Scholars turned the school red, white and blue on Friday as we celebrated the coronation of King Charles III. 

The flags were flying in the atrium, and there was a special Coronation themed karaoke at lunchtime, featuring songs with tenuous royal links, including Dancing Queen, We Will Rock You, and a roaring version of God Save the King, which really raised the atrium roof. 

A series of themed assemblies during the course of the week helped to educate our scholars about the Coronation. There was a "Kings of the Past" quiz at lunchtime. 

The King himself even made an appearance in the Diner, serving the scholars at break and lunchtime (or at least we think it was him!). 

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