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Nova scholars join in England triumph

Nova scholars join in England triumph

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

On a cold Sunday morning in October, a group of scholars from Nova Hreod and Swindon Academies boarded a coach to London to watch the England netball team compete against Uganda in the last game of the series at the Copperbox Arena. 

The atmosphere at the stadium was electric and the whole event was spectacular. One student described the trip as "epic." 

I'd like to thank Swindon Academy for inviting our students to join them on this amazing trip. We all had an amazing day from start to finish. The scholars were buzzing as they watched England win 64-51 and they've already asked when we can go again. It's fantastic to take young people to watch live sport and the scholars have already asked where we're going next!

Miss Parsons


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