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Stonewall School Champion Award

Stonewall School Champion Award

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

We are delighted that we have been awarded the Stonewall Bronze School Champion Award. As a benefit of membership, the Stonewall School Champion awards allow schools to benchmark their progress and to give direction to their ongoing work in tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and celebrating diversity.

Some of the things we did to earn this award were to ensure that information and resources on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) issues and support services is provided and easily accessible for all students. We celebrate diversity and LGBT people, including bi and trans people in our lessons and through our displays. We also added books that celebrate diversity in our library and made sure that students have opportunities to discuss gender stereotypes and gender identities at Nova. 

Our aim is to ensure everyone at Nova Hreod Academy feels safe and welcome within our community. We will strive to continue this work and earn our Silver Award.


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