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UKMT Maths Awards

UKMT Maths Awards

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

This term we are celebrating the amazing achievements of some of our year 7 and 8 students.  A small group of Year 7 and 8 mathematicians sat the UKMT Maths Challenge. This challenge is a nationwide competition featuring some incredibly difficult problems and puzzles. The top performers in the country are then awarded a Bronze, Silver or Gold certificate depending on how well they score. I am really pleased to say that many of the students were able to gain an award – including 2 gold certificates!

A huge well done to our Bronze Certificate winners: Ashley, Zoe, Oliva, Chloe, Allana and Karolina.

Congratulations also to our Silver Certificate winners: Amelia and Alfie.

Finally, an amazing accomplishment for our two Gold Certificate winners: Finley and Daniel!

Well done once again to everyone that took part, and particular congratulations to those two incredibly talented mathematicians achieving a Gold!

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