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Teaching & Learning Blog

The importance of ITT in developing a whole school culture of improving Teaching & Learning

Barbara Freeman 0 3705

Initial Teacher Training (ITT) is the first step on the journey to becoming a teacher. It is during this time that the foundations of good Teaching and Learning can be set and the seeds can be sown for a trainee to flourish into a good teacher. However, as it is such an important time in the development of a teacher then it can also be a time when bad habits become established – the seeds fall on stony ground as it were. That’s why ITT, and getting it right, is so important to the culture of any school.

By Sophie Fegan and Nick Hetherington

The Ingredients of Complex Tasks

Barbara Freeman 0 2754

In a lot of ways, the following pair of blog posts is the culmination of all the learning we’ve been doing on applying cognitive science to our curriculum, teaching and learning. (And in a lot of ways, that’s perfectly appropriate for the topic at hand!)

By Phil Wilson

Overcoming the hurdles of non-specialism

Barbara Freeman 0 3502

When I first started teaching, I trained as a languages teacher. This required me to teach two foreign languages and, as my degree is in Law and German, I spent a large amount of my PGCE improving my French. Often, even though I had all the Powerpoint presentations, laminated flashcards and differentiated worksheets possible, I felt woefully unprepared for lessons.

By Rebecca Sayers

Using Hegarty Maths

Barbara Freeman 0 9843

Mention homework and students groan as though it is our pleasure to make them suffer.  But the reality is that it can also provide the teacher with many hours of work – firstly selecting the correct task, then setting it, marking it, DIT, chasing those students who have not done it; all this to provide students with one common task. Then come the excuses – ‘I lost the sheet,’ ‘I didn’t know what to do,’ ‘I wasn’t in when it was set.’  Is there any wonder why a teacher might tactically forget to set the task?

By Lindsey Ford

Marking Rehab – from appearance to impact

Barbara Freeman 0 9979

A few years ago I would have run around the classroom stamping student books with a “verbal feedback given” stamp, rather than ensuring the verbal feedback I gave was actionable and modelled what I wanted the student to do.

By Rhiannon Jones


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