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Teaching & Learning Blog

Modelling – students as apprentices

Nova Hreod Academy 0 7174

If we are not reality TV fans, we would tend to think of apprentices as those learning a particular skill or trade, and most readily associate apprenticeships with practical learning. ‘Practical’ is a matter of degrees – replacing a fan belt, grilling a chop and solving an equation are all practical, in the sense that there is a doer and a task. So let’s not limit our idea of apprenticeship to the learning of physical skills; we can see that students in classrooms are our apprentices.

By Phil Wilson

Using Hegarty Maths

Barbara Freeman 0 9837

Mention homework and students groan as though it is our pleasure to make them suffer.  But the reality is that it can also provide the teacher with many hours of work – firstly selecting the correct task, then setting it, marking it, DIT, chasing those students who have not done it; all this to provide students with one common task. Then come the excuses – ‘I lost the sheet,’ ‘I didn’t know what to do,’ ‘I wasn’t in when it was set.’  Is there any wonder why a teacher might tactically forget to set the task?

By Lindsey Ford


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