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Putting quizzing into practice: tracking and using Quizlet

Nova Hreod Academy 0 3701

Over the last year, Nova Hreod’s revision vision and the focus within many of our departments has been on the need for strong subject knowledge as a means to support skills. Within the humanities department, this has been implemented mainly through the use of knowledge organisers, “Do Now” quizzes at the beginning of each lesson and the using of “quizzing homework”, where pupils either write a quiz about a specific topic or test themselves on a previous quiz.

I have used two techniques within my classroom to make this framework as effective as possible: tracking “Do Now” quizzes and using Quizlet to supplement homework.

By Rebecca Sayers

Raising attainment in Art

Nova Hreod Academy 0 8355

During a period of intense national pressure to “raise standards” I have been asked to write an article on raising attainment in Art.  Whenever attainment and Art are mentioned in the same sentence, it is usually followed by the gender gap in results between boys and girls. This continues to be a real focus and for good reason.

By Sophie Fegan


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