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SYFL Competition Winners

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

We are proud to announse that Logan (Aquila 2) came 1st in the KS3 category, and Alan (Aquila 8) took 3rd place at KS4 of the SYFL Illustration Competition 2018.

Local author and Illustrator Steve Antony was invited to Nova Hreod Academy to judge the competition. Students from all of the participating 11 secondary schools were invited to illustrate a passage from the 2018 Carnegie Medal winning book 'Where the World Ends' by Geraldine McCaughrean.  Steve spent a lot of time deliberating which should be the winning entries and he was extremely impressed with the standard of work submitted.

This year saw the introduction of a new poetry competition as part of the Swindon Festival of Literature. We were delighted that Jessica (Pegasus 4) won 2nd prize in the KS3 category for her poem on the National Poetry Theme of “Change.”

The winners are invited to attend a celebration event along with Amelia (Orion 3) who will receive the SYFL student librarian ambassador award for all of her hard work behind the scenes in helping to ensure the SYFL ran smoothly.


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