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Year 11 celebrates GCSE success

Year 11 celebrates GCSE success

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Students and staff at Nova Hreod Academy are celebrating after receiving their GCSE results today.

Year 11 students at nova Hreod achieved a great set of GCSE results in 2018. This summer, the school’s ‘Basics’ measure for achievement in both English and maths improved strongly. 70% of students achieved a Grade 4 or above in both subjects and 55% of students achieved at least a Grade 5. This represents the best GCSE results ever at Nova Hreod.

A number of students also performed highly, including:

  • Lauren Hargreaves, who achieved nine grade 7s and above, including three subjects at grade 9
  • Katrina Saunby-Elliott, who achieved eight grade 7s and above, including three subjects at grade 9
  • Aleksandra Moroz, who achieved eight grade 7s and above, including 1 subject at grade 9
  • Head Boy Jack Rockett, who achieved seven grade 7s and above

Headteacher Nick Wells, said: “I would like to congratulate all our students celebrating their GCSE results today, which continue to consolidate the school’s strong progress in recent years. Students can take pride in their achievements, knowing that their hard work and sustained focus over the past two years has been worthwhile.  Thank you to our staff for their ongoing encouragement, support and enthusiasm towards ensuring all students meet their potential.”

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