Parents Students

Admission and Transition for SEND students

As part of the transition process from year 6 to year 7, the SENCo and Deputy SENCo communicate with all local primary schools to meet with students and their teachers prior to arrival at Nova Hreod Academy. In addition, they attend statement/EHC reviews for students in year 6, to ensure smooth transition to Nova. Stepped transition processes, extra visits during year 6 and close liaison with prospective parents are central to our approach. There is addition transition for SEND students in year 6 which is organised through primary schools. 

For the admission of students transferring during year 7 or at a later stage in their education, the Borough's usual procedures apply, if there is space in a year group and the individual's needs can be met. 

In addition, Nova is committed to meeting the needs of those students with disabilities, and access to all parts of the building is supported by lifts and step-free designs. No student is disadvantaged on account of their disability and we are confident that such students can enjoy a successful education here. 

For further information please see our Admissions Policy. 

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