Prospectus 2016 - page 4

All lessons are taught using a very simple framework to ensure a level of consistency across
the school whilst allowing teachers the freedom to both innovate and inspire.
High challenge ‘teaching to the top’ and supporting all students to attain this standard
Clear and concise teacher exposition
Well modelled examples to exemplify standards
Deliberate practice to allow students to embed new knowledge and skills
Feedback on how students are doing to allow them to refine their practice
Rich questioning to deepen, probe and assess understanding
The quality of teaching and learning is regularly quality assured by the senior leadership team,
faculty leaders and colleagues from United Learning.
Challenge is at the forefront of teaching and we support our more able students with
opportunities to take part in additional activities such as competing against other students in
Maths leagues and Language competitions, and taking part in a wide range of workshops,
competitions and events across all subjects.
“This is a great example of a local school which
has had a fantastic transformation. The results
speak for themselves and it is staggering how
quickly this has happened."
MP North Swindon
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