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Anniversary celebrations for Nova science team

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

This academic year, two members of the Science Faculty – Mrs King and Mrs Bathe – are both marking 20 years of working at Nova Hreod Academy.

Mrs King, then Miss Heath, joined Nova from a school in Oxfordshire in May 2000, she went on to hold several roles within the Science team and was Head of Science for a number of years before taking some time off to start her own family. She returned to Nova after having each of her children. Staff that have worked with Mrs King over the years have expressed what a good leader she is, and she is also a firm favourite with the students - always willing to go the extra mile to help them succeed. She has a real nurturing side to her nature but is also a firm believer in authority and hard work. Generations of students have respected and respect her still today for those qualities. She is a friendly face around the Science wing.

Mrs Bathe holds the role of Senior Science Technician and without her, practical science lessons would be impossible. She works incredibly hard behind the scenes to make sure our eight science teachers can run the practicals they need on a daily basis giving the students the best experience of science that they can have. 

In a profession where people often move on to different schools this is something to be celebrated and we are incredibly grateful for the hard work and commitment that Mrs Bathe and Mrs King have shown to the school and its students over the last 20 years.


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