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Joining forces for National Careers Week

Joining forces for National Careers Week

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

At Nova Hreod Academy we are committed to raising the aspirations of all of our students to ensure they are well equipped to make the right choices about their futures and chosen career pathways. Research concludes that being taught about career opportunities in school, as well as meeting employers, has a “meaningful and statistically significant impact on later earnings”.


The whole of Key Stage 3 participated in a ‘Futures in Public Services’ event which promoted careers in the Army, Navy, RAF, teaching, the NHS and the police. Students were able to meet representatives from each of the career sectors and encouraged to investigate the different opportunities in each sector by finding out about entry requirements, salaries, apprenticeships and how to apply.


As well as daily tutor group activities, other activities throughout the week included a trip to Swindon Jobfest for 50 Year 10 students and an apprenticeship assembly and workshop hosted by the Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Partnership and Tithegrove Construction.


Finally, all students in Year 10 were given the opportunity to experience Mock Interviews. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the employers from Sodexo, PGL and Arval for their time which made the event a huge success.


Our visitors were very complimentary about their involvement, their comments including:


  • ‘The students’ performance was fantastic.  They did themselves, the school and their family proud’.
  • ‘Very polite students.  It was a pleasure to be part of this experience’.
  • ‘I met some really lovely people who were polite and friendly’
  • ‘Amazing! I think these students have done a superb job – they have worked hard and prepared well.  I can’t believe some of them are only 14!’
  • ‘A very high standard.  I am impressed with the school and its students’
  • ‘ I think this has been invaluable for the students but also for us at Arval.  There is some real talent that we have seen today.  This worked really well – so nothing to improve.  An excellent morning’.
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