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The Fastest Story

The Fastest Story

Year 9 students work with other secondary schools to produce creative writing Round Robin

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News, LRC News

As part of the Swindon Festival of Literature, Year 9 students took part in The Fastest Story, a ‘Round Robin’ speed creative writing activity. Students from the 11 Swindon Secondary schools were divided into two teams, and each team was given a story starter written by the Patron of Reading and Writing, Joffre White.

The starter was emailed to the first school on the Round Robin who were given 45 minutes to read and write the following paragraphs before emailing the developing story to the next school. The result was a story that started at 9am and came to its finale at 3pm. It was a stunning achievement and the two finished stories can be found on this page.

Pictured below are the Nova Hreod team: Ella, Jordan, Trinity, Chloe and Harry.

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