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Tunnock's Teacake Challenge

Tunnock's Teacake Challenge

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Mrs Moore's Year 10 Food Technology students were set a challenge to research and create a chef-inspired dish using a Tunnocks Teacake.

The challenge was designed to practice plating and presentation skills in preparation for Year 11. It was difficult to select only the top three as they were all so fantastic, but prizes were awarded.

  • 1st prize went to Phoebe for a truly restaurant quality dish
  • 2nd place was awarded to Robbie for creativity and dedication
  • In 3rd place was Ryan for his sophisticated design

The winners each received a personalised apron which they are looking forward to wearing in future practicals.

Commendation awards went to Antwan for using high skills and making his own honeycomb, and Charlie who used previously learnt skills and made his own meringue.

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