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GCSE Presentation Evening

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

The class of 2017 returned to school this week to celebrate GCSE Presentation Evening. As well as receiving their GCSE certificates, students celebrated the achievements of their peers, as awards were presented for achievement and attainment in subject areas and for participation in the life of the school and the local community.   

The evening began with an inspirational address from our special guest James Phipps, who was born and grew up in Pinehurst and went on to own and run a series of businesses including Excalibur Communications and the Swindon Link magazine. James has his own charitable foundation in and helps various local causes, especially those involving young people, a cause which he is passionate about. James’s address truly set the tone for a memorable evening.

Congratulations to everyone who won awards for effort and attainment on the evening:


Alistair Robus-Mitchell & Lauren Sweatman


Lucy Simmons & Hannah Meyer


Ryan Aust & Aimee Robinson

Computer Science:

Josh Giles & Kayley Whitfield

English Language:

Amy Crocker & Erin Collins

English Literature:

Denis Laciak & Lacey McKee


Kane Chesterman & Lauren Sweatman

Business Studies:

Erin Collins & Alexander Russell


Tom Jenkins & Lacey McKee

Food Technology:

Molly Hunt, Alice Kaye & Erica Hopkinson


Gemma Harris & Kayley Whitfield


Matthew Connor & Alistair Robus-Mitchell


Alistair Robus-Mitchell & Cerys Poole


Ayesha Farmer & Afonso Ferreira


Emily Rowe & Connor Irwin


Lauren Sweatman & Cerys Poole

Religious Education:

Shaina Akthar & Isabella Minturn


Alisha Harvey & Poppy Millington


Haydn Foggitt, Wilson Murage & Jacob Fawcett


The following students were presented with awards for excellence:

Roger Hawkesford Award for Notable Achievement in Technology:

Amy Smith

Award for Excellent Attendance:

Kyle Barnett

Curriculum Award for Excellence:

Lauren Sweatman

Paula Barnes Memorial Award for Drama:

Connor Irwin

Kim Lyford Award for Commitment to Rugby:

Tom Jenkins

Beryl Bowles Award for Achievement in English:

Cerys Poole

Steve Walker Award for Achievement in History:

Lacey McKee

Phil Griffiths Award for Science:

Lacey McKee

Pat Harden Award for Personal Achievement:

Poppy Millington

Reg Clarke Award for best GCSE Results:

Amy Meyer

Notable Achievement Award for Courage and Determination:

Amy Crocker



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